Feedback Thoughts


Mistakes provide the next lesson. Source: Feedback Cat

    This topic was interesting to read as a pre-dent student looking to get into Dental school, it feels unacceptable to even get a B sometimes (God forbid a C). Not that I'm a perfect student and I have gotten a few C's to prove it, I struggled to come to terms with those grade every single time. It always came with a burst of anxiety thinking will this one grade be my roadblock to achieving what I want? 

    Reading "A fixed mindset could be holding you back - here's how you change it" made me really think about how to address those anxieties when they happen again. As the article suggests, I'm not a perfect student but I've generally been told that I'm intelligent and that I would succeed in what I want to do. Maybe hearing those throughout my life has set in a fixed mindset for myself that any subpar performance or mistakes are something that is not acceptable. Of course, I should do my best to achieve what I can to the best of my ability, but I shouldn't feel so stifled and anxious when it's not enough. I'm not sure how much this article would help should such an occasion arise again, but reading about those in medical field gave me a bit of a boost. Honestly, I'm still of the opinion that a doctor should absolutely try their best not to make mistakes. However, if a mistake in that field could result in such a heavy consequence in people's lives, what's a few B's and C's after my best effort? In the end, B's and C's are negative feedback and reading "Why it's so hard to hear negative feedback" made me realize that instead of anxiety, I should try my best to form a mindset that it's a chance for improvement. 
