I did this week's story laboratory on TVtropes. I browsed several tropes that seemed to be relevant to Indian Epics. The one that stood out first was the abuse tropes. I immediately thought of Rama's treatment of Sita as soon as I saw this trope. After some more reflection, I also realized that many characters in Indian Epics make decisions that they know that they will regret to keep up appearances. So maybe this is some sort of self-abuse trope there as well. Like Dasharatha who exiled Rama despite knowing it's not something he wanted to do for some stupid promise. There are also many animal tropes in Indian Epics. Ganesha is an elephant God. Hanuman is a monkey God. There's a lot of descriptions of important characters that uses animals too. One of Rama's description referred to him as a lion for his courage and such. There's also loyalty tropes and the most common one might be Fire-Forged Friends. These are allies who are brought together by difficult times and Rama and Hanuman can be such example. There seems to be a staggering amount of tropes listed on this website and I might write my own version of a story and decide my own version by matching it with a trope I want to follow.
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