My Storybook Favorites

This storybook about the Ramayana Brothers really caught my eye, because it was very creative in that it used the Super Mario Brothers to grab my attention. I have never heard of the Ramayana Brothers, but the way they set up the blog was very eye-catching and fun. The way they labeled the introduction as Intro Level was a very fun way of changing up the layout as well. This storybook was coincidentally the first storybook I clicked on because the title grabbed my attention. I was drawing a blank on how I wanted to do my own storybook and this one definitely got me thinking and gave me some ideas.

This storybook was interesting, because it was in a conversational format. The story is told about the divine bow as if in a fiction book with characters talking to each other. This is definitely more interesting than a long wall of text about the subject. Also, the Pinaka is the storyteller in a storybook which brought a few chuckles out of me and got me more interested in reading more. It's definitely the most immersive out of the three storybooks and it's a different way of grabbing the readers' attention.

This storybook is about Maha Shiva and it's different from the other two storybooks. I am generally unfamiliar with any Indian Epics and this storybook seemed the most informative. The story is told in a self-introduction manner as if Maha Shiva is writing the blog for herself. Not only is this interesting, it's also much more informative than the other two storybooks. Not to take away from the other two though since the first storybook also contained a lot of information.

A 13th century statue of Ganesha Source:Wikipedia

I am considering doing my storybook on Ganesha as it's actually one of the names I find familiar among various Indian Epics related topics.
